As reported by Forbes and it is another sign that the economy is improving, though slowly.
An excerpt.
“Nonprofit jobs have a certain cachet with boomers looking for a career shift.
“I hear it all the time from job seekers, and I get it. It’s a time in life where you’ve made the bucks, climbed the ladder, and so on.
“If you’re fortunate, an early retirement, or nice severance package has given you the flexibility to unsnap the velvet handcuffs and get to work doing something that really brings meaning to your life–and those whose lives you touch. You can put your lifetime of skills and tools to work making the world a better place.
“And it looks like there’s no time like the present to take action. Hiring freezes at many nonprofits have been lifted, and new jobs are opening up, according to the Nonprofit Employment Trends Survey, a national study of nonprofit employment practices released last week. One-third of nonprofit outfits plan to create new jobs this year and nearly as many said they “might.” That’s promising.
“The largest piece of that job growth is expected to be at mid-sized and large organizations and primarily in the area of direct services. In other words, jobs on the front lines that involve working directly with people who need assistance, such as counseling, tutoring and mentoring programs. Continued job growth in program management/support and fundraising/development is also expected.”