Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helping Others

There was a very nice story of a young man helping others in the Sacramento Bee yesterday.

An excerpt.

“For almost two years, Alex Darrow saved the money he earned from his dishwashing job at a pizza place and stashed the cash he had received for Christmas and his birthday.

“Many 16-year-olds would be saving for a new car, but Darrow was saving to launch a website that aims to raise money for needy children around the world – and create the world's largest photo mosaic at the same time.

“Only after the Placer High School senior laid the foundation for the site, PictureTheWorld, did he tell his parents. Darrow still hasn't clued friends in to what keeps him so busy during the week as he goes door-to-door to Auburn businesses seeking support.

"I didn't want to tell my parents if it was going to fail," he said. "They are definitely proud of me."

“The concept is this: A person visits and donates at least $5, then uploads a picture for the mosaic. The proceeds will be split among philanthropic groups such as 88Bikes, Doctors Without Borders and UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital.”