As reported by the Sacramento Bee.
An excerpt.
“A recent spike in hiring among local arts nonprofit groups seems to suggest that jobs in that sector are not vanishing like jobs elsewhere.
“But arts groups aren't in the clear yet. Most of the hiring has been triggered by seasonal staffing, the expansion of the Crocker Art Museum and the replenishing or reconfiguring of administrative positions. Future hiring at most arts groups will remain flat or nonexistent, say local arts group leaders.
“At the Sacramento Philharmonic, which operates on a $1.5 million budget, four instrumental positions and two administrative positions have been added in the last year, said Marc Feldman, executive director of the Philharmonic. But no more such hiring is expected, he said.
“At present the orchestra is looking to replace a violinist and violist. "But, this is part of the normal churn," said Feldman.
“Some organizations, like the Sacramento Opera, are shrinking. The company recently furloughed music director Timm Rolek until September, and laid off its community engagement coordinator.
"We do not see adding staff for the next 12 months," said Rod Gideons, general director for the opera. "Certainly we're not in hiring mode and, if anything, we're running about 12 months behind the East Coast in terms of any recovery."
“Of all the local arts nonprofits, the Crocker Art Museum has done the most recent hiring. The museum hired 14 part-time art handlers, and is looking to staff two administrative positions.”