Here is a simple guide—and plan for implementation—from Governing, to ethical behavior that was written for public organizations, which 501 (c) 3 charitable public interest nonprofits are.
This is a very good thing!
An excerpt.
“I recently offered a wallet-sized code of ethics to replace -- or at least, mitigate -- the bureaucratic system of rules, supervision and oversight that stifles initiative and deadens workers' spirits. The ethical guides were simple:
“I will:
• Do my best at work
• Avoid conflict of interest
• Speak truth to power
• Be a good citizen
• Shun any private gain from public employment
• Act impartially
• Treat others the way I would like to be treated
• Report waste, fraud, and corruption
“When in doubt, my test is can I explain my actions to my mother or to my child.
“Many people are hungry for this sort of simple, straightforward guide and have asked me how they can introduce such a tool in their organizations. Here's what to do next:
• Decide on your organization's principles of ethical behavior.
• Print wallet-size cards (plastic is best) and hand them out like crazy.
• Teach: look for coachable moments to align people with the principles.
“First, what's right for your organization? Chances are the "Metropolis" code isn't perfect for you. Give the workers a chance to own the code. Announce that you're in the market for a new code of ethics that can fit on a wallet-size card. Offer a $100 prize (your $100!) for the best one submitted, and reserve to yourself the right to pick the winning entry and to make edits you deem necessary. This, because even in a participatory process, the leader must ultimately be responsible for setting standards. After you do your edits, let a couple of trusted writers and thinkers have a crack at it.”