Online giving is still in its infancy but developing into a powerful tool when used well, as this story from the Sacramento Bee reports.
An excerpt.
“No longer just a device for idle chatting and "American Idol" voting, text messaging has emerged as a powerful tool for social good.
“In just two weeks since a disastrous earthquake struck Haiti, people across the globe have texted more than $33 million in relief donations through their mobile phones, $5 and $10 at a time.
“Charities have found success in recent years using Web pages, e-mail appeals and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to solicit donations and volunteers.
“But few anticipated the impact of the Haiti "mobile giving" phenomenon, the most successful such campaign in American history.
"It's astounding what has happened," said Trista Jensen of the Sacramento Sierra chapter of the American Red Cross. "It's like nothing we have seen before."
"Mobile giving" made its debut in the aftermath of the Asian tsunamis five years ago, and was used to raise funds after Hurricane Katrina, said Verizon Wireless spokesman Chuck Hamby in Florida. Those efforts netted about $400,000.
“Since then, "texting has really taken off, and people are comfortable with it," said Jensen.”