A very nice acknowledgement is this award reported by the Sacramento Business Journal.
An excerpt.
"The city of Sacramento is one of 10 cities nationwide that will receive a new $200,000 grant with which to hire a chief service officer to develop and carry out a citywide plan to increase volunteerism.
"Cities of Service and the Rockefeller Foundation announced the recipients of the first-ever Cities of Service Leadership grants on Monday.
"Cities of Service is a coalition of U.S. mayors that encourages volunteerism. The Rockefeller Foundation is funding the grants.
"The cities chosen to receive the grants have “displayed a strong commitment to service and outlined thoughtful, thorough, and creative approaches to expanding local opportunities for volunteers to make an impact in their city,” a news release said.
"Five of the 10 cities are founding members of the Cities of Service coalition, including Sacramento.
"In addition to Sacramento, the recipients are Los Angeles; Seattle; Chicago; Detroit; Omaha, Neb.; Nashville, Tenn.; Savannah, Ga.; Philadelphia; and Newark, N.J."