Saturday, January 8, 2011

Faith & Money

Being true to belief is always admirable, and as reported by the Catholic Sentinel, that is what an Oregon nonprofit organization has done.


An excerpt.

“EUGENE — Catholic Community Services of Lane County will no longer accept money from United Way . That's because the secular charity clearing house also funds Planned Parenthood.

“Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Portland made a similar decision more than a decade ago in Portland.

“Planned Parenthood of Southwest Oregon, though it says it does not offer surgical abortions, recently began offering RU-486, a drug that terminates a pregnancy, taking a nascent life.

“Planned Parenthood has eight centers in Southwest Oregon and dispenses RU-486 in Eugene and Ashland.

“Archbishop John Vlazny advised the Catholic Community Services board to tell United Way about the objections to funding the nation's largest abortion provider.

“United Way chose to continue funding Planned Parenthood, so the Catholic Community Services board voted to unlink itself for moral reasons.”