Nonprofit Management 101: A Complete and Practical Guide for Leaders and Professionals, is a terrific book, with timeless advice from some of the top people in their respective nonprofit disciplines, reviewed here by Nonprofit
I added it to my library a few days ago, and suggest you get a copy also as it is a wonderful resource, and, as important, very fairly priced to fit within just about anyone's budget.
An excerpt.
“Lest you think that this book, at over 600 pages, is just a doorstop, let me assure you that you won't use it that way.
“These 50 essays from 50 nonprofit experts, such as Michael Watson of the Girl Scouts of the USA; David Greco of the Nonprofit Finance Fund; Holly Ross of NTEN; Andrea McManus of the AFP; Katya Andresen of Network for Good; and Beth Kanter of Zoetica, cover the gamut of nonprofit topics from human resources to social media.
“Furthermore, the essays embody the tried and true pillars of success associated with nonprofit work, while riding the edge of contemporary thought. They are not likely to go out of style any time soon.”