Friday, July 22, 2011

Charitable Giving is Up

Which is very good news as reported by Nonprofit

An excerpt.

“As the unrelenting sound of bickering continues from Washington over the debt increase, a bit of good news landed in my inbox this morning.

“Blackbaud reports that, according to its Index of Charitable Giving, charitable organizations experienced an uptick in donations in May to the tune of 11.3%. The Blackbaud Index of Charitable Giving has shown positive growth for 10 consecutive months. Furthermore, that rise has exceeded 10% for the three months ending May 2011 over the prior year.

“Blackbaud's index also indicates that the growth is enjoyed by organizations of all sizes. That is the first time since the recession started that growth has been that broad based.

“Not all sectors of the charitable marketplace fared equally in the increase in charitable giving, however. Chuck Longfield, Blackbaud's chief scientist and creator of The Blackbaud Index, said:

"Our newest index, representing organizations involved with international affairs, was up 13 percent reflecting significant post-Haiti growth while fundraising at arts and culture organizations grew nearly 12 percent. The increase wasn't universal however as human services and environmental organizations were still down from their year earlier results. And with job growth flat the past two months and the economy weakening; a real challenge for all nonprofits going forward will be maintaining this momentum."