Friday, April 8, 2011


Entrepreneurs are combining the two in innovative ways, which is the subject of this article—only free to read for a week—from Stanford Social Innovation Review, a wonderfully informative magazine I subscribe to and I'd advise other nonprofit leaders to do likewise, as it is a great way to keep informed of important developments and creative thinking continually occurring in our field.

An excerpt.

“Much to the chagrin of social entrepreneurs, U.S. law does not currently recognize any single legal entity that can simultaneously accept tax-deductible donated capital (charitable contributions and grants); invested capital (equity investment for which investors seek a market rate of return); and quasi-invested capital (such as loans or program-related investments [PRI] from foundations that are structured as investments but in which the funder has a strong philanthropic motive and neither expects nor demands a market rate of return). As a consequence, social entrepreneurs are typically forced to choose between for-profit and nonprofit models that require them to compromise their social vision and restrict their ability to finance and operate their ventures in a way that meets the founders’ own needs as well as those of their investors, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

“Some entrepreneurs, however (especially the most intrepid ones), have found ways to combine the best of the for-profit and nonprofit models. They have done this by creating a hybrid structure: separate nonprofit and for-profit organizations that are bound together through governance or legal agreements. Hybrids, of course, are not new. They have been around for decades (consider Children’s Television Workshop, owners of the Sesame Street characters). For the most part, hybrids have been created by an existing nonprofit or for-profit to meet a new objective that could not be met under its existing legal structure. A for-profit corporation might create a nonprofit foundation to manage its philanthropic work. Or a nonprofit museum might create a for-profit retailer to sell posters, jewelry, and other merchandise.

“In recent years, however, social entrepreneurs have taken the hybrid model to a new level, crafting it into what is in effect a single structure that can operate as both a for-profit and a nonprofit. Social entrepreneurs are now creating complex hybrid structures from the start, ones that use contracts to intimately tie together the nonprofit and for-profit organizations. I call these new entities contract hybrids, to distinguish them from the hybrids of the past.


“To understand what a contract hybrid is and how it works, one must first understand that the entire legal and regulatory structure that governs U.S. businesses and nonprofits is designed to ensure that the charitable sector and the business sector stay fundamentally distinct. In a nutshell, charity is supposed to be all about mission and not about money, whereas for-profit businesses are supposed to be all about money and not about mission. As a result, business and charities are regulated and operated according to fundamentally different principles, and any crossing of the lines is viewed with skepticism by regulators and the public.

“As Dan Pallotta points out in his book Uncharitable, this divergence is not rooted in any law of economics or even politics. Rather, it is the result of historical accident. It is essentially the view propounded by the Puritans who settled in the United States in the 17th century. They believed that business and commercial activity was a sin, albeit a necessary one. To atone, one did charitable work, which had to be kept clean of any taint of commerciality. Although we have progressed in our thinking since then, Congress, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), state regulators, the general public, and even nonprofit leaders remain locked into this outmoded mental model.

“Creating a hybrid entity that can serve both charitable goals and business objectives simultaneously may sound simple, but from a legal perspective it is actually quite complicated. For-profit businesses have as their primary objective the pursuit of profit for the benefit of their owners. The directors and managers of a for-profit business have a fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder return, and if pursuit of a social mission interferes with that primary duty, the directors and officers can face legal jeopardy.

“Nonprofits, on the other hand, have as their primary objective the accomplishment of a social or public mission. Nonprofit directors and managers must run the enterprise to further public rather than private interests. If they confer private benefits on individuals (other than reasonable compensation for services rendered, itself a touchy subject), they may face legal liability. And they generally cannot engage in profit-sharing arrangements with private investors or businesses. To put it another way, businesses and nonprofits are fundamentally single-purpose entities. Although the law allows them to stretch toward each other, a complete synthesis is not possible, and the further each model is stretched, the more legally uncertain the venture becomes.

“The three most popular stretched models today are the B corporation, benefit corporation, and low-profit limited liability company (L3C). The B corporation is a brand, certified by B Lab (itself a nonprofit), rather than a legal form in the eyes of the IRS. To be certified a B corporation, the owners and managers of the organization voluntarily submit themselves to a rigorous battery of questions and tests that measure their commitment to social values and socially and environmentally responsible practices. B Lab makes the results of these tests public, so that consumers can find out what these companies stand for and how their claims of social responsibility are put into practice. B Lab promotes B corporations as a group, which gives them a marketing advantage and provides further incentive for them to justify social mission as a business strategy.”