In a story from the Stockton Record, the impact of lower government funding on the many nonprofits largely funded through San Joaquin County general funds, is dramatic, reminding us again how crucial it is to have a strong individual and corporate philanthropic effort even when a governmental one seems forever.
An excerpt.
“STOCKTON - Inside the San Joaquin County Historical Museum in Lodi, visitors can see the tools their forebears used to farm the land, the clothes they wore and the furniture inside their homes.
“The county Historical Society has more than 50,000 items in its collections, including historical documents from the county and the cities of Stockton and Lodi.
“Since 1966, the nonprofit has contracted with county government to operate the museum and preserve local history. A year ago, the county contributed $490,000 to the society. This year, that amount was about $304,000. And for the fiscal year beginning in July, so far, the society is set to receive no county funds.
“The county has a $56 million budget gap to close, but the impact will be felt beyond the departments and the services provided through the county. This year, the county meted out $800,000 to community-based organizations such as the Historical Society, but most of those organizations have been told not to expect that money next year.
“Leaders of impacted nonprofit organizations said it's the nature of the business to see funding fluctuate - whether the source be private donations or government support.”